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ICLASS 2021 plenary lecture:  New Ways to Image Sprays


Over the past five years a number of novel and unconventional spray imaging techniques have been developed, opening new ways for analyzing in detail the process of liquid atomization. Those advances in spray diagnostics include: Imaging liquid structures at high-contrast, sizing droplets in 3D, temporally resolving the early injection of liquid jets, obtaining the 3D shape of liquid structures and applying soft X-ray absorption by means of a laser-plasma accelerator. This panoply of techniques, providing complementary data and having different level of complexity, are reviewed in this presentation together with the corresponding spray situations where they work best.



Press release December 2020:


85% of cough droplets blocked by surgical mask, experiment shows

"Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have recorded coughs resolved at high temporal resolution - 8,000 images per second - and high detection sensitivity, using laser light scattering. This enabled them to count the number of droplets as well as measure their speed with high accuracy. The preliminary results show that only 15% of droplets pass through a low-cost surgical mask."



Interview article in American Scientist

May - June 2020: "A Clear View of Cloudy Sprays"


"Berrocal and his colleagues have married two competing imaging techniques into one method that illuminates these sprays; it uses a combination of x-rays and near-infrared laser light to provide unprecedented views of droplet cloud structures."




Invited article in Laser Focus World magazine:

April 2020


"Laser-plasma accelerator: A new tool to quantitatively image atomizing sprays"


Press release February 2020 - in Optics & Photonics News


"Scientists at a Swedish university have sidestepped the scattering problem by combining techniques: lasers and X-rays, absorption and fluorescence. The team split the beam from a laser-driven X-ray source and simultaneously measured an atomizing spray’s X-ray absorption and two-photon fluorescence. The dual method provides fine image details of the optically dense sprays that otherwise would get blurred and distorted with standard techniques."


Measurement Science &Technology:

2019 Outstanding Paper Award


The article titled “Multiple scattering reduction in instantaneous gas phase phosphor thermometry: applications with dispersed seeding” co-written with the research group of Prof. Andreas Dreizler at TU Darmstadt, has been selected to receive the Measurement Science and Technology’s Outstanding Paper Award for 2019 in the field of Sensors and sensing systems.




Press release July 2018: ERC - Starting Grant


Elias Kristensson invented a coding imaging concept called Frequency Recognition Algorithm for Multiple Exposures (FRAME) that can film at up to 5 trillion frames per second. To date, FRAME is the only method that enables videography of single, non-repetitive event with spectroscopic compatibility in femtosecond timescale. With the Starting Grant, Kristensson aims to develop novel diagnostic tools based on this method and to examine ultrafast events. This would open the door to a significant amount of new research possibilities.


Best Master Project in Photonics 2017 to David Frantz


PhotonicsSweden and the Swedish Optical Society have established a prize for students in the field of photonics in order to promote research in photonics in Sweden especially related to R&D with industrial impact. The Student Award consists of a certificate and a cash prize of SEK 6.000 and a second prize of SEK 2.000. The winner of the year 2017 is: Mr. David Frantz. Title of the Master project: "High Contrast Imaging Through Scattering Media Using Structured Illumination Fourier Filtering"



Press release April 2017: World fastest film


Andreas Ehn and Elias Kristensson have developed together an optical technique capable of filming events as short as 0.2 trillionths of a second. This is faster than has previously been possible. The technology has demonstrated the possibility in recording a series of four images within a time interval of  600 femtoseconds. All results are presented in a recent article published in "Light: Science and Applications" from Nature Publishing. To learn more about the technology, check the following REUTERS video.



Keynote Lecture of at the

Lisbon Symposium 2016


Edouard Berrocal was invited as a Keynote speaker to the 2016 Lisbon Symposia on Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics. His presentation was entitled :

"New horizons for the study of spray dynamics, thermometry and droplet sizing"



Press release December 2014: ERC - Starting Grant


Edouard Berrocal, has been awarded one of the most prestigious grants available to young researchers: an ERC Starting Grant. The grant is worth EUR 1.5 million and will enable him to spend the next five years investigating what happens in the crucial moment at the start of combustion when the liquid fuel is injected into the combustion chamber and vaporises. Using advanced laser imaging technology that he has developed, it might become possible to observe the internal structure of fuel sprays, which remains as yet unknown. This new observation would provide valuable experimental data to computational spray modelers.



2014 Young Researcher Award  in Optical Technologies


The Young Researcher Award in Optical Technologies is given by the Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT) to young researchers (below 40 years old) with a proven record in optics, photonics and optical technologies. The award is remunerated with 100.000€ to be used either for the personal salary of the laureate or for travel expenses or consumables or equipment related to the research.  The award winner receive the formal status of a guest professor and is expected to conduct research in Erlangen University (Germany), starting within one year after the award winner has been announced.



Tanasawa award at the ICLASS 2012


Pictures from the ICLASS 2012 conference after Edouard Berrocal and Elias Kristensson received the Tanasawa award for the best conference article of the the International Conference of Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - ICLASS 2009.

















From left to right: William Bachelo, Edouard Berrocal, Elias Kristensson and Heinrich Vogel.

Elias Kristensson giving the acknowledgment speech at the ICLASS 2012 banquet in Heidelberg.

Edouard Berrocal and Elias Kristensson with the first LaVision SLIPI instrument



   Spray &



Spray Diagnostics   &   Advanced Imaging